Hassle: Common Words that People Know the Least - Wannalisn

Hassle: Common Words that People Know the Least

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Hassle verb meaning


As a verb, hassle means to persistently annoy someone:

// My girlfriend started  hassling me as soon as I got home


Hassle noun meaning

As a noun, it means that something is annoying because it creates problems or is difficult to do:

//I don’t feel like cleaning the house today, it’s too much hassle



chart usage 'what a hassle'



Synonyms (verb)



  • Bother – Stop bothering me with your problems / This new machine is such a bother
  • Harass – Celebrities constantly complain about being harassed by paparazzi.
  • Pester – My kids keep pestering me about getting a new dog but we just don’t have the space
  • Bug (informal) – Don’t bug me with irrelevant details because we really need to focus on the big picture
  • Be on your back  (informal) – My boss is on my back again about the sales figures. I just haven’t had time to get them ready.
  • Get in your hair (informal) – The family has been getting in my hair all afternoon about dating again




 Synonyms (noun)

  • Nuisance – I’ve forgotten my face mask again –  What a bloody nuisance!
  • Pain in the neck – Social distancing is such a pain in the neck



Collocations with adjectives


– A real hassle is used to emphasise that something is extremely annoying.


– A big hassle


– Legal/bureaucratic/administrative hassle





  1. It’s not worth the hassle, I’m not going to argue with them
  2. The thermomix takes all the hassle out of cooking
  3. We had to go through the hassle of taking the shoes back to the shop because they were the wrong size.



To finish off for today, make sure you try to incorporate new vocabulary when communicating in English.

It’s a great way to remember new words once and for all, and it will make you sound more natural and give you more confidence in English.

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